
Zo Forbidden West screenshot

Homo sapiens is a species of primate found throughout the world.

Humans are a highly advanced social species, characterized by their diverse cultures and wide-reaching understanding of the world at large. Highly adaptable, humans were located on every continent as of the 19th century. Despite their technological, medical, and civil achievements, humans briefly went extinct (on Earth) between the years 2068 and 2363 due to the Faro Plague. Due to the destruction of the APOLLO subfunction, 21st century human knowledge was lost, but their influence echoed by way of ruins, artifacts, and physical data storage. An unknown population of humans continued to survive in space, bound to the Sirius star system. Currently, humans can be found near ELEUTHIA facilities on planet Earth, as well as an extant colony aboard the colony ship The Odyssey.

Forbidden West screenshot of Zo, Kotallo, Alva, Erend, Aloy, and Beta standing shoulder to shoulder

A group of humans descended from ELEUTHIA-9 and Sirius. Cultures represented, from left to right: Utaru, Tenakth, Quen, Oseram, Nora, and Zenith.

APOLLO Database

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Homo

Family Eating From Bowl (Nguyễn, 2024)

As of 2008, Humans were classified as Least Concern by the IUCN.


Zero Dawn screenshot of Nora Tribe standing in front of ELEUTHIA-9 door.

Pictured above: Nora peoples standing in front of ELEUTHIA-9. Humans are confirmed to be living in the lands near ELEUTHIA-9 (Colorado, Turtle Island) and ELEUTHIA-1 (Xīnjiāng, Zhōngguó). Due to the success of these Cradle facilities, it is likely that settlements exist near ELEUTHIA-2 (Moçambique), and ELEUTHIA-3 through ELEUTHIA-8, though the locations and status of these cradles are unknown.

"Family Eating from Bowl." Nguyễn, Hào. (2024, Jun 3). Pexels.