Glossy Daggerwing

Glossy Daggerwing butterfly Horizon Forbidden West screenshot

Marpesia furcula is a species of butterfly found in the jungles of the Raintrance.

Forbidden West Map of geographic range of Glossy Daggering southeast of Thornmarsh Raintrance Region highlighted

Research is ongoing and range data is incomplete.

APOLLO Database

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Lepidoptera
Family Nymphalidae
Genus Marpesia

(Keen, 2020, CC0)

As of 2024, this species did not have a conversation status.

Geographic Range

Map of geographic range of Glossy Daggerwing reported sightings in countries Costa Rica Nicaragua Colombia Brazil Bolivia Peru Venezuela Ecuador

iNaturalist. (2024). Recent Observations of M Furcula. iNaturalist. Map data provided by Google.

Photo 63786918. Ben Keen. (2020, March 10), CC0. iNaturalist.